Jadis, les cavaliers, pour se reposer, allaient dans des auberges.
Mais toutes ne disposaient pas de lit, et bon nombre de cavaliers avaient certes le couvert, mais devaient dormir dans l'étable avec leur cheval.
Néanmoins, certaines auberges possédaient des lits, et elles avaient l'habitude de le signifier par une pancarte : ''au lit, on dort''.
Au fur et à mesure du temps, la contraction des mots s'est opérée, et les auberges se sont peu à peu nommées ''
Au lion d'or ''.
C'est ainsi qu'aujourd'hui bon nombre d'hôtel portent ce nom !
Complement internaute :
Adenomyosis of the posterior uterine wall.
Adenomyosis of the posterior uterine wall is a common, clinically significant condition that is difficult to diagnose, particularly by means of routine pelvic examination, ultrasound, and hysterosalpingography. A high index of suspicion is required to establish the diagnosis preoperatively. A retrospective study of the hospital records of patients with a confirmed diagnosis of adenomyosis of the posterior uterine wall was performed. All patients had undergone either laparoscopy or hysteroscopy and a diagnosis of adenomyosis of the posterior uterine wall was established by histological examination of the specimen. Clinical features that may aid the diagnosis of adenomyosis of the posterior uterine wall are discussed.The present invention relates generally to the field of computer storage, and more particularly to managing the transfer of data from a first storage controller to a second storage controller.
A conventional computing environment uses a computer's processor(s), computer memory and a computer storage medium to provide a computing environment with data storage and data management functions. A computing environment can be configured to include a storage area network (SAN), which is a special-purpose network of storage controllers and storage drives.